WALKA Studio (Claudia Betancourt and Nano Pulgar, Santiago)
Cornucopia: Charms for life / Cornucopia: Amuletos para la vida
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Function | for fertility in its broad sense (abundance, creativity, etc) |
Activation | Hosts are given this pendant made from cow horn in a particular ceremony in a relaxed and friendly meeting at a particular location chosen by the artists. When selecting their charm, each host asks secretly for a wish. | |
Materials | carving cow horn, silver, silk | |
Engage | www.walka.cl/ |
Also read about the Horn of Plenty
All the pictures of Cornucopia Santiago Given event at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150575527572092.405858.711137091&type=1&l=8bd0b52733
Pictures of Cornucopia Melbourne Given Event: coming soon.
“Cornucopia: Charms for Life”
El creador concede el poder de dar al que lo posee, todo lo que el desee.
La fertilidad no solo se refiere a la capacidad reproductiva de los seres, plantas, animales o humanos, también es el devenir, el desarrollo, la creatividad, la evolución y el movimiento que rechaza la inercia y hace avanzar la vida.
De esta manera podemos hacer referencia al mito griego de La Cornucopia o cuerno de la abundancia, que ha sido representado como un símbolo de abundancia para algunas culturas occidentales y orientales; que aun sigue presente y se ha ido configurando en el imaginario colectivo como una figura recurrente la cual suele ser representada como un recipiente en forma de cuerno desbordado de flores, granos u otras cosas que simbolizan riquezas.
El cuerno es un material que esta muy ligado a mis orígenes, puesto que mi abuelo y mi padre lo han utilizado para hacer su artesanía como forma de subsistencia familiar . En ese sentido, este material para mi es representativo de prosperidad y buena fortuna en mi familia, asimismo ha significado el desarrollo, la creatividad y el movimiento: “la fertilidad”.
Este encuentro con mis orígenes a través del material-cuerno resulta sorprendente si pensamos en el pasado que lo resguarda, porque inevitablemente a la forma o al material se le atribuyen poderes mágicos. En ese sentido, la forma inconsciente de mi amuleto esta cargada de poder. El material siempre estuvo ahí esperando a que alguien lo transformara y volviera a significar inevitablemente lo que siempre simbolizo: fertilidad, abundancia, prosperidad y creatividad.
El amuleto colgante se atesora en el corazón y su forma expresa el gesto inconsciente, el movimiento vivo, como una semilla viva a punto de germinar.
La materialización de esta entrega y atesoramiento se efectúa con un rito. Este acto proporciona una estructura, un orden y un sentido a la vida de las personas, afirma la convicción, por lo tanto es importante que el objeto-amuleto en este acto se consagre como objeto de poder para así permitir que la voluntad conectada con lo divino logren materializar el deseo.
Primal, pagan, poetic & post modern. Love it.
WALKA – Cornucopia charm
Vicki Mason – a response
Charm received 5th February 2012
My WALKA fertility charm came with me where ever I went for three months following on from when I received it in February 2012.
When I wasn’t wearing it – it was tucked safely into a pocket (with a zip) in my handbag. I wanted it to be with me constantly.
I was applying some daft sort of pseudo scientific rationale that if it was with me all the time, or at least only a few meters away, then its vibes might rub off. Its presence would be forgotten then remembered and every so often I’d think about whether what I wished for that day (when I met my Chilean friends) had come into being.
In now looking back I think maybe some of what I wished for did come into being, albeit in a modest way. What has ultimately resulted is that this object that I now own, crafted by hand and made by wonderfully vibrant and thoughtful jewellers is now a part of my life. Whenever I see it – it will and does trigger memories of not only the time I chose it and saw my friends but also memories of that period of my life and the things I was thinking and hoping for.
That it will ultimately one day belong to my daughter I find somehow comforting, as if the intent behind it is transmutable across time and may offer up to her some good fortune. It may all be hokum this notion of imbuing objects with luck, but sometimes there might be a need for us to have ideas that are intangible floating in the ether around something material. These objects then offer up the opportunity to think about our approach to life and existence in a different way.
It can’t hurt to sometimes think outside the box, life can at times be magic and objects too.
July 2012
My best to all of you.