Analya Cespedes (Washington USA, from Santiago)
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Function | to get out of a sticky situation |
Activation | Hosts ‘accidentally’ open the purse, shouting ‘Oh no! My grandmother’s pearls!’ invoking the Chilote myth of El Trauco and throwing open new possibilities of interaction at that moment. | |
Materials | sterling silver -with an oxidized finish-, reclaimed leather, silk thread and white crystal pearls | |
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El Trauco

El Trauco
El Trauco is a mythological figure that belongs to the rich treasury of Chilote folklore (Chiloe is an island off the coast of Chile, very similar to Tasmania in relation to the mainland). According to the myth, if a young woman encounters El Trauco in a forest path, she should take up a handful of sand and throw it on the ground. This distracts the monster as he tries to pick up each grain, long enough for the women to make an escape. It is believed that if El Trauco looks you in the eye, he can make you pregnant. (see wikipedia entry).
Read Las Perlas se Quedaron Enradas
Me encanta, muy delicado y lleno de significados.
Love it, very delicate, very meaningful!
This is a beautiful amulet. The concept is very interesting and I think it has a real meaning. I like it very much, Analya… Powerful indeed.
Éste es un bello amuleto. El concepto es muy interesante y creo que tiene un significado real. Me gusta mucho, Analya… Muy poderoso.
According to Fijian folklore if a ghost is following you at night, you need to pick up a handful of stones. One by one you put the stones down. The ghost will be busy picking each one up. The last one you do not put on the ground but keep. The ghost will be so busy looking for that next stone that you will have time to escape, but be fast!
Thanks for that Emosi. I wonder how the Fijian story is linked to the Chilean. The Pacific is pretty wide.
Hi Ekeko, yes, the Pacific is wide and its inhabitants always have been adventurous sea seafarers. Maybe some have been blown all across the sea onto the shores of the American continent. I like to believe this.
Hello Emosi, thanks for sharing the story of the ghost, does it have a name? I’d love to find out more about it!
Hi Analya, sorry, I don’t know the name of that ghost. Its one of the stories I heard when staying at my father’s village as a kid. As far as I remember, later on when I moved to the city no one mentioned that ghost. Maybe they have lost touch with these things. It is good to know about them though, just in case…
This is so interesting, Analya! I love seeing how the amulet works, and the pieces are beautiful.
Necesario para varios días del año, precioso, sintético y simbólico. Todo lo que espero de una joya!
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