Contemporary Amulets – Joyaviva forum in Mexico City 10 April 2014


Contemporary Amulets

Forum and preview of Joyaviva, at Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares, 10 avril, 18:00-20:00

How do amulets work? Is there something we can learn from the tradition of amulets? Can the negative function of amulets to protect criminals or make curses be turned around for the good? What is the special place that Mexico has in contemporary jewelry movement?


  • Dr. Carlos Zolla Márquez, coordinador del Programa Universitario de Estudios de la Diversidad Cultural y la Interculturalidad (PUIC-UNAM)
  • Martacarmela Sotelo (Mexican artist in Amuleto) Conceptualising ideas for their materialisation 
  • Melissa Cameron (Australian artist in Amuleto) Contemporary jewellery in the streets of Melbourne 
  • Hanna Hedman (Swedish artist) Amulet or talisman?
  • Kevin Murray (Curator of Amuleto) Luck by design: The challenge of the contemporary amulet

In partnership with Otro Diseño


1 thoughts on “Contemporary Amulets – Joyaviva forum in Mexico City 10 April 2014

  1. Pingback: Joyaviva Mexico | Melissa Cameron – Jewellist at Large

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